Hildegard of VinzgouwAge: 25 years758–783
- Name
- Hildegard of Vinzgouw
- Given names
- Hildegard
- Surname
- of Vinzgouw
Birth | 758 33 28 |
Marriage | Charlemagne of the Franks — View this family 771 (Age 13 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Pipin of Italy April 773 (Age 15 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Louis I “Pious” of Aquitania 778 (Age 20 years) |
Record ID number | MH:I319 yes |
Record ID number | Charlemagne of the Franks — View this family MH:F178 yes |
Death | April 30, 783 (Age 25 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gerold af Anglachgau (Vinzgouw) Birth: 725 Death: 799 |
mother |
Emma … Birth: 730 25 Death: 789 |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Hildegard of Vinzgouw Birth: 758 33 28 Death: April 30, 783 |
brother |
Grev Adrian af Orleans Death: before 821 |
Family with Charlemagne of the Franks |
husband |
Charlemagne of the Franks Birth: April 2, 742 28 Death: January 28, 814 |
herself |
Hildegard of Vinzgouw Birth: 758 33 28 Death: April 30, 783 |
Marriage: 771 — |
8 years son |
Louis I “Pious” of Aquitania Birth: 778 35 20 Death: June 20, 840 |
-5 years son |
Pipin of Italy Birth: April 773 30 15 Death: July 8, 810 |
Shared note | Hildegard (758-30 April 783) was the daughter of count Gerold of Vinzgouw and Emma of Alamannia, daughter of Hnabi, Duke of Alamannia. Hildegard was the second wife of Charlemagne[1], who married her about 771. They had the following children:
* Charles, (772 or 773-811), Count of Maine from 781, joint King of the Franks with Charlemagne from 800
* Adelaide (773-773 or 774-774)
* Pippin (773 or 777-810), born Carloman and later renamed at baptism, king of Italy from 781
* Rotrude (or Hruodrud) (777-810)
* Louis the Pious, king of Aquitaine from 781, emperor from 813 (sole Emperor from 814) until 840
* Lothair, twin brother of Louis, died young in 780
* Bertha (779-823?)
* Gisela (781-808?)
* Hildegarde (782-783?) |
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