
Gerold af VinzgouwAge: 74 years725799

Gerold af Vinzgouw
Given names
af Vinzgouw
Name prefix
Birth 725

MarriageEmma View this family

Birth of a daughter
Hildegard of Vinzgouw
758 (Age 33 years)

Death of a wifeEmma
789 (Age 64 years)

Record ID number

Record ID numberEmma View this family

Death 799 (Age 74 years)

Shared note
Gerold of Vinzgouw (also Vintzgau or Anglachgau; c. 725 – 799) was an Alamannian nobleman, serving the Frankish King as Margrave of the Avarian March and Prefect of Bavaria. Gerold played a significant role in the integration of Bavaria into the Frankish Kingdom. Being related to the family of the Agilolfings, he was appointed Prefect of Bavaria after the deposition of Duke Tassilo III in 788. In 784 generous donations to the monastery of Lorsch by Gerold and Emma are recorded. In 799 he fell in a battle against the Avars, a short while after his son Eric was killed by the treachery of the same. He was succeeded by his surviving sons Gerold II and Udalrich I. Gerold of Vinzgouw (also Vintzgau or Anglachgau; c. 725 – 799) was an Alamannian nobleman, serving the Frankish King as Margrave of the Avarian March and Prefect of Bavaria. Gerold played a significant role in the integration of Bavaria into the Frankish Kingdom. Being related to the family of the Agilolfings, he was appointed Prefect of Bavaria after the deposition of Duke Tassilo III in 788. In 784 generous donations to the monastery of Lorsch by Gerold and Emma are recorded. In 799 he fell in a battle against the Avars, a short while after his son Eric was killed by the treachery of the same. He was succeeded by his surviving sons Gerold II and Udalrich I. In 757, he married Emma (730–789), daughter of Hnabi, Duke of Alamannia. They had the following: * Eric of Friuli * Adrian, Count of Orléans, father of Odo I, Count of Orléans * Gerold * Udalrich * Hildegard, who in 771 married King Charlemagne. Through Udalrich, Gerold is reckoned as the founder of the family of the Udalrichings.