
Pipin III “The Short” af FrankerneAge: 54 years714768

Pipin III “The Short” af Frankerne
Given names
Pipin III
The Short
af Frankerne
Birth 714

MarriageBertrada “Gåsefod” af LaonView this family

Death of a motherRotrude af Trier
724 (Age 10 years)

Death of a fatherKarl Martel
October 22, 741 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
Charlemagne of the Franks
April 2, 742 (Age 28 years)

Record ID number

Record ID numberBertrada “Gåsefod” af LaonView this family

Death September 24, 768 (Age 54 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Family with parents - View this family
elder brother
5 years
Family with Bertrada “Gåsefod” af Laon - View this family

Shared note
Pepin or Pippin (714 – 24 September 768), called the Short, and often known as Pepin the Younger or Pepin III,[1] was the Mayor of the Palace and Duke of the Franks from 741 and King of the Franks from 751 to 768. He was the father of Charlemagne. He was the son of Charles Martel, mayor of the palace and duke of the Franks, and of Rotrude of Trier (690-724).
Shared note
Bertrada of Laon, also called Bertha Broadfoot (cf. Latin: Regina pede aucae i.e. the queen with the goose-foot), (between 710 and 727 – July 12, 783) was a Frankish queen. She was born in Laon, in today's Aisne, France, the daughter of Caribert of Laon. She married Pepin the Short, the son of the Frankish Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel, in 740, although the union was not canonically sanctioned until several years later. Eleven years later, in 751, Pepin and Bertrada became King and Queen of the Franks, following Pepin's successful coup against the Frankish Merovingian monarchs. Bertrada and Pepin are known to have had four children, three sons and one daughter: of these, Charles (Charlemagne), Carloman, and Gisela survived to adulthood, whilst Pepin died in infancy. Charlemagne and Carloman would inherit the two halves of their father's kingdom when he died, and Gisela became a nun. Bertrada lived at the court of her elder son Charles, and according to Einhard their relationship was excellent. She recommended he marry his first wife, Desiderata, a daughter of the Lombard king Desiderius, but he soon divorced her. Einhard claims this was the only episode that ever strained relations between mother and son. Bertrada lived with Charlemagne until her death in 783; the king buried her in Saint Denis Basilica with great honors.