
Bertrada af KølnAge: 31 years690721

Bertrada af Køln
Given names
af Køln
Birth about 690

Birth of a daughter
Bertrada “Gåsefod” af Laon

Death about 721 (Age 31 years)

Shared note
Bertrada of Cologne (690-721 CE), the maternal grandmother of Charlemagne, was the Countess of Laon, married to Caribert, Count of Laon. Their daughter Bertrada of Laon married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later the king of the Franks. Charles, the eldest son of their daughter and Pepin the Short, would later be known as Charlemagne.
Shared note
Caribert (also spelled Charibert and Heribert), Count of Laon, son of Martin of Laon, was the maternal grandfather of Charlemagne. He was the father of Charles's mother, Bertrada of Laon. In 721, he signed, with his mother Bertrada of Prüm, the foundation act of the Abbey of Prüm. The same year, also with his mother, he made a donation to the Abbey of Echternach. By 744, his daughter Bertrada of Laon (by Bertrada of Cologne) had married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later king of the Franks. He died before 762, as stated in an act of his daughter and son-in-law.
Shared note
Bertrada of Cologne (690-721 CE), the maternal grandmother of Charlemagne, was the Countess of Laon, married to Caribert, Count of Laon. Their daughter Bertrada of Laon married Pepin the Short, mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy and later the king of the Franks. Charles, the eldest son of their daughter and Pepin the Short, would later be known as Charlemagne.