Amadeus II af SavoyenAge: 34 years1046–1080
- Name
- Amadeus II af Savoyen
- Given names
- Amadeus II
- Surname
- af Savoyen
- Name prefix
- Hertug
Birth | 1046 26 |
Death of a father | Otto af Savoyen about 1057 (Age 11 years) |
Death | January 26, 1080 (Age 34 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Otto af Savoyen Death: about 1057 |
mother |
Adelheid af Susa Birth: about 1020 28 Death: December 19, 1091 |
himself |
Amadeus II af Savoyen Birth: 1046 26 Death: January 26, 1080 |
Family with Jeanne of Geneva |
himself |
Amadeus II af Savoyen Birth: 1046 26 Death: January 26, 1080 |
wife | |
son |
Shared note | Amadeus II (c. 1046 – January 26, 1080) was Count of Savoy from 1060 to 1080, ruling jointly with Peter until 1078. He was the son of Otto of Savoy (Oddone in Italian).
Documents about his life are rather scarce. His effective rule after Peter's death was only nominal, as the reins remained in his mother Adelaide's hands. The two visited Rome in 1073.
[edit] Family
He married Joan (Giovanna in Italian) of Geneva and had four children:
1. Humbert II of Savoy
2. Adelaide (d. 1090)
3. Ausilia, married Umberto di Beaujeu
4. Constance, married Otto II of Montferrat |
Shared note | Amadeus II (c. 1046 – January 26, 1080) was Count of Savoy from 1060 to 1080, ruling jointly with Peter until 1078. He was the son of Otto of Savoy (Oddone in Italian).
Documents about his life are rather scarce. His effective rule after Peter's death was only nominal, as the reins remained in his mother Adelaide's hands. The two visited Rome in 1073.
[edit] Family
He married Joan (Giovanna in Italian) of Geneva and had four children:
1. Humbert II of Savoy
2. Adelaide (d. 1090)
3. Ausilia, married Umberto di Beaujeu
4. Constance, married Otto II of Montferrat |