Mads Christensen MyrupAge: 0 days1819–1819
- Name
- Mads Christensen Myrup
- Given names
- Mads Christensen
- Surname
- Myrup
Family with parents |
father |
Christen Laursen Myrup Birth: 1767 37 37 — Myrup, Lild Sogn Occupation: Husmand — Ræhr Sogn Death: January 26, 1831 — Febbersted, Raehr Sogn |
mother |
Margarethe Madsdatter Rojkjaer Birth: 1780 36 37 — Thisted Death: February 5, 1845 — Febbersted, Raehr Sogn |
Marriage: August 15, 1807 — Thisted Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt |
1 month elder brother |
Mads Rojkjaer Christensen Myrup Birth: August 1807 40 27 — Thisted Death: December 1807 — Thisted |
17 months elder sister |
Ane Birgitte Christensdatter Myrup Birth: January 7, 1809 42 29 — Sennels Sogn Death: December 27, 1880 — Lild Sogn, Thisted Amt |
2 years elder sister |
Birthe Christensdatter Myrup Birth: 1810 43 30 — Febbersted, Raehr Sogn Death: December 11, 1883 — Lild Sogn |
2 years elder brother |
Niels Larsen Christensen Myrup Birth: March 26, 1812 45 32 — Raehr Sogn Death: August 27, 1888 — Gunnison, Sanpete, Utah, United States |
2 years elder brother |
Axel Christensen Myrup Birth: March 30, 1814 47 34 — Raehr Sogn |
3 years elder brother |
Peder Christensen Myrup Birth: September 22, 1816 49 36 — Raehr Sogn Death: March 6, 1901 — Thisted |
15 months elder brother |
Lars Christian Christensen Myrup Birth: December 30, 1817 50 37 — Raehr Sogn |
2 years himself |
Mads Christensen Myrup Birth: 1819 52 39 — Raehr Sogn Death: 1819 |
3 years younger brother |
Poul Christian Christensen Myrup Birth: 1821 54 41 — Raehr Sogn Death: 1821 — Raehr Sogn |
Father’s family with Anne Nielsdatter Holme |
father |
Christen Laursen Myrup Birth: 1767 37 37 — Myrup, Lild Sogn Occupation: Husmand — Ræhr Sogn Death: January 26, 1831 — Febbersted, Raehr Sogn |
step-mother |
Anne Nielsdatter Holme Birth: 1757 Death: August 27, 1804 — Thisted, Thisted Amt |
Marriage: February 22, 1799 — Thisted |
22 months half-sister |
Bodil Marie Christensdatter Myrup Birth: about 1800 33 43 |
3 years half-brother |
Niels Christensen Myrup Birth: June 10, 1803 36 46 — Thisted Sogn, Thisted Amt Death: |
14 months half-sister |
Maren Kirstine Christensdatter Myrup Birth: August 12, 1804 37 47 — Thisted Sogn, Thisted Amt Death: August 23, 1804 |