Hyrum NeilsonAge: 72 years1894–1967
- Name
- Hyrum Neilson
- Given names
- Hyrum
- Surname
- Neilson
Birth | October 17, 1894 28 30 |
Death of a mother | Sarah Ann Cartwright January 25, 1932 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | Neils Neilson June 21, 1944 (Age 49 years) |
Death of a wife | Esther Luella Stephenson December 1, 1963 (Age 69 years) |
Death | July 13, 1967 (Age 72 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Neils Neilson Birth: November 1865 34 27 — Sweden Death: June 21, 1944 — Lewiston, Utah |
mother |
Sarah Ann Cartwright Birth: July 25, 1864 — England Death: January 25, 1932 — Lewiston, Utah |
himself |
Hyrum Neilson Birth: October 17, 1894 28 30 — Oneida, Idaho Death: July 13, 1967 — Lewiston, Utah |
Family with Esther Luella Stephenson |
himself |
Hyrum Neilson Birth: October 17, 1894 28 30 — Oneida, Idaho Death: July 13, 1967 — Lewiston, Utah |
wife |
Esther Luella Stephenson Birth: June 12, 1895 — Lewiston, Utah Death: December 1, 1963 — Lewiston, Utah |
son |
Private |
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