Margreta AndersdotterAge: 44 years1831–1876
- Name
- Margreta Andersdotter
- Given names
- Margreta
- Surname
- Andersdotter
Birth | July 14, 1831 37 40 |
Religious marriage | Mårten Jönsson — View this family 1851 (Age 19 years) Shared note: |
Birth of a son #1 | Niels Mortensen May 20, 1852 (Age 20 years) Shared note: |
Death of a father | Anders Johnsson March 19, 1860 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a mother | Elna Persdotter April 30, 1868 (Age 36 years) |
Death | February 1, 1876 (Age 44 years) Shared note: |
Family with parents |
father |
Anders Johnsson Birth: July 8, 1794 — Lökaröd, Degeberga Death: March 19, 1860 — Degeberga |
mother |
Elna Persdotter Birth: about 1791 — Österlia Death: April 30, 1868 — Degeberga |
herself |
Margreta Andersdotter Birth: July 14, 1831 37 40 — Lökaröd, Degeberga Death: February 1, 1876 — Degeberga, Skåne, Sverige |
Family with Mårten Jönsson |
husband |
Mårten Jönsson Birth: June 14, 1819 32 31 — Tjörneröd, Fågeltofte Death: September 25, 1888 — Degeberga, Skåne, Sverige |
herself |
Margreta Andersdotter Birth: July 14, 1831 37 40 — Lökaröd, Degeberga Death: February 1, 1876 — Degeberga, Skåne, Sverige |
Marriage: 1851 — Everöd sogn |
17 months son |
Niels Mortensen Birth: May 20, 1852 32 20 — Lökaröd, Degeberga, Skåne, Sverige |
Birth | |
Marriage | |
Death | |
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