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Interactive tree of Ranulf I of Aquitania

William IV of Aquitania 937994
Emma af Blois
Adelaide of Aquitania 9451004
Hugh Capet of Franks 941996
William III of Aquitania 915963
Ebalus of Aquitania 870935
Ranulf II of Aquitania 850890
Ranulf I of Aquitania 820866
Gerard of Auvergne 841
Hildegard of Aquitania
Louis I ‘Pious’ of Aquitania 778840
Charlemagne of the Franks 742814
Hildegard of Vinzgouw 758783
Pipin III af Frankerne 714768
Bertrada ‘Gåsefod’ af Laon 783
Gerold af Vinzgouw 725799
Emma 730789