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Interactive tree of Agnes af Burgund

Petronila Ramirez of Aragon 11351174
Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona 11131162
Agnes of Aquitania 1160
Ramiro II af Aragonien 10751157
William IX of Aquitania 10711126
William VIII of Aquitania 10251086
Hildegard af Burgund
Agnes af Burgund
William V of Aquitania 9691030
William IV of Aquitania 937994
Emma af Blois
William III of Aquitania 915963
Ebalus of Aquitania 870935
Ranulf II of Aquitania 850890
Theobald I af Blois 975
Luitgarde af Vermandois 914978
Herbert II af Vermandois 884943
Hildebrand af Frankrig 895931
Herbert I of Vermandois 848907
Bertha of Morvois
Robert I of France 866923
Beatrice of Vermandois