
Leudwinus (St. Leudwinus, Leutwinus, Lievin, Liutwin) (about 660 - 722), was Count and bishop of Tri…

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Leudwinus (St. Leudwinus, Leutwinus, Lievin, Liutwin) (about 660 - 722), was Count and bishop of Trier, 697-715 or 685-704. His parents were Warinus, Count of Poitiers (638-677) and Kunza of Metz, daughter of Clodoule, Bishop of Metz, making him the great-grandson of Arnulf of Metz. He was buried at Mettlach. He married a daughter of Chrodobertus II and they had a daughter, Rotrude of Treves who married Charles Martel.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Leudwinus af Trier
6601722625 September 2009 - 09:19:34